
れ g C T author Jonathan King e p 代 nts E SIGNERS C ルみ も第 C c 霓 si e で W R C れ dJ g mo g ー動区 G なお 初 g d び d ート 訂じ代伝 d Pilgrim Fathers' Jonathan Klng 第 CHARLES New World 鹵響ー C 易 皿 OF T げ襯 zo れ DAV ー D cluding アん r 立月 e Pilgrim Fathers t0 America 火孕加化 d りんイ Civil B0dy P modern-day Pilgrims ln William Bradford's Governor William settlement William Bradford expedition passengers t0 England possessions conditions Pilgrim group Captain Jones situation New World promised land f England Christopher Martin NevertheIess new world condition lsaac Allerton Amsterdam WiIIiam Bradford new colony PiIgrims t0 Pilgrim leaders departure dwellings Governor Carver Massachusetts regulations Robert Cushman New WorId equipment investors fellow Pilgrims fathers fact 市 ey pilote night drawing life crew little settlement King James's men goeth R0binson loose corn thei H011and leaves H olland John Goodman allway uncertaine ship t0 Massasoit's arrival t0 diner little tobacco arduous voyage canoes int0 great passion t0 EngIand withall inhabitants goods revised contract period food om om Worc e ster


Contents The Vine of lsrael lntroduction: To be a Pilgrim Chapter 1 : Escape om England 1606 ー 1608 Chapter 2 : Lying Low ⅲ Leyden 1608 ー 1619 Chapter 3 : Abandoning a Sinking Ship July— September 1620 Chapter 4 : Voyage 0f Mayflower September—November 1620 Chapter 5 : Gunfight at Eastham Corral November— December 1620 65 Chapter 6 : Winter of Death December 1620 ー M ch 1621 Chapter 7 : Brave Squant0 t0 the Rescue March 1621 —January 1622 102 Chapter 8 : The Foundmg of America Postcript: 129 Acknowledgments 131 lndex 132 1 9 ーっひ 1 ワ 3 4 54

lndex Note: A list of the original 102 PiIgrims appears on pages 11 to 17. Alden, John 10 , 16 AIIerton, lsaac 9 , 13 , 107 , 109 , 114 AIIerton, oh Ⅱ 17 , 79 AIIerton, Mary (born Norris) 9 , 13 , 89 Amsterdam 25 , 26 , 27 AtIantic 57 ー 64 as m Aspinet 117 ー 118 BarnstabIe Harbor 117 BeII AIIey 29 B illingsgate Point 79 B illington, Francis 93 BiIIington, HeIen 10 , 15 BiIIington, J0hn 10 , 1 113 , 117 BiIIington Sea 93 BIackweII, Francis 37 , 59 召 00 ん 0 / the GeneraI も 0 s 0 / the 加ん 0 地ルな可Ⅳ e mo リ The 110 Boston Harbor 120 Bradford, AIice (born Southworth) 4 Bradford, Dorothy (born May) 4 , 12 , 44 , 80 Bradford,WiIliam 2 , 3 ー 5 , 8 , 9 , 12 , 19 ー 72 , 73 , 79 , 86 ー 130 as m elected Governor 114 illness 93 , 95 0 / ん mo 地 0 3 , 5 Bradford's PiIgrim list 54 ー 56 Brewster, Elder William 4 , 7 ー 8 , 11 , 12 , 29 , 35 , 38 , 57 , 61 , 63 , 96 , 99 Brewster, Mary 7 , 12 Britterige, Richard 16 , 89 132 B rowne, Peter 94 Burial HiIl 89 , 90 , 95 , 103 Button, WiIIiam 63 Cape C0d 67 , 68 , 69 , 78 , 81 , 88 , 89 , 111 Bay 86 , 87 Harbor 77 , 86 , 97 , 105 Carver, John 7 , 8 ー 9 , 11 , 35 , 38 , 40 , 46 , 62 , 68 , 92 , 95 , 103 , 108 , 109 , 110 , 114 as first Governor 8 Carver, Katherine (born White) 8 , 11 Clark lsland 85 Chilton, James 15 , 83 , 85 ChiIton, Mary 11 , 16 , 111 Chilton, Susanna 16 Church of England 19 Cooke, Francis 97 Coppin, R0bert 78 , 84 Corbitant 118 , 119 Corn Hill 74 Cromwell, Oliver 6 Cushman, Robert 7 , 8 , 35 , 39 , 40 , 46 , 47 , 50 , 52 , 122 , 125 Delftshaven, Holland 44 Dermer, Captain 107 , 110 , 111 Desc 0 可Ⅳ e 刃 g ル d (Captain J0hn Smith) 34 Dorchester 120 Duxbury Bay 84 , 85 , 86 Eastham 79 , 80 , 81 , 84 England 45 , 56 , 107 EngIish, Thomas 79 br ル e 122 , 124 , 125 , 126 , 129 FuIIer, Doctor SamueI 13 , 63

Goodman, John 94 ー 95 , 96 Great Meadow Creek 80 G reat Pond 79 Green Gate 30 Guiana 33 ー 34 Holland 4 , 27 , 30 , 33 , 34 , 41 , 43 , 44 , 48 Hopkins, Elizabeth 61 Hopkins, Steven 115 ー 117 HowIand, EIizabeth (born TiIIey) 9 , 12 HowIand, John 9 , 12 , 27 , 60 , 79 lndians 69 , 70 , 71 , 75 , 79 , 81 , 82 , 84 , 85 , 87 , 90 ー 95 , 97 , 102 , 103 ー 107 , 118 ー 121 , 125 University 0f 28 , 29 28 ー 41 passim, 44 , 129 Leyden, H011and 7 , 8 , 9 , 11 , Kingston 87 , 88 King James 1 8 Kennebec River settlement 34 J ones River 88 97 48 , 57 , 59 , 62 , 63 , 66 , 73 , 74 , 92 , Jones, Captain Christopher 17 , Jamestown 34 lpswich 78 plague 105 , 115 graveyard 80 challenge Pilgrims 125 ー 126 115 ー 117 , 119 , 122 Massasoit, Chief 6 , 105 ー 109 , Martin, Marie 13 92 , 111 M artin, Christopher graveyard 77 Long P0int 77 Lincolnshire 26 13 , 17 , 50 , the voyage 54 ー 64 を as m departs for England 112 ー 113 123 72 , 73 , 75 , 78 , 79 , 83 , 85 ー 92 44 , 45 , 48 , 49 , 53 , 65 , 66 , 67 , 68 , 外イ 0 ァ″ 0 7 ー 11 passim, 17 ー 18 , 外イ 0 ″ 0 Compact, The 9 , 67 ー 68 M ore, J asper 79 M ourt, George 5 外イ 0 リ ' s e 0 〃 5 , 130 Mullins, Alice 14 MuIIins, Joseph 14 MuIIins, PrisciIIa IO, 14 , 111 Mullins, WiIIiam 14 N0ttinghamshire 26 Obbattinnua 120 Old Tom's HiII 74 Pamet River 71 , 72 , 73 , 74 , 78 Pilgrims American leg thre atened 46 arrive at Cape C0d 64 arrive on the br e 126 ー 127 assimilation ⅲ HOIIand 27 ー 28 beliefs and principles 2 buildin 90 00P. 00t0d 113 ー 114 death 63 , 77 debate on move tO America 31 ー 33 Guiana 33 ー 34 decision t0 flee England 22 ー 23 Leyden 30 ー 31 departure 49 ー 50 disease ⅲ first winter 91 , 111 ー 112 divide after Speedwell loss 52 ー 53 escape from E ngland 22-23 exports 124 ー 125 final departure 53 find corn seed 74 ー 75 first birth in colony 75 fortress built 126 guard formed 98 health problems 78 illnesses 62 ー 63 lndian attack 81 lndian contact 103 ー 106 lndian sighting 96 ー 97 lndian treaty 108 ー 109 land grants 91 landing 68 mass landing 87 ne Otiate with Virg1ma ompany 34 ー 38 133

number and effect of deaths on 98 ー 101 people lost 93 ー 94 persecu tion 0f 19 ー 22 popularity ⅲ Leyden 30 rehgion 2 revised contract problems 4778 second departure 51 second settlers arrival 122 ー 123 set of laws 109 settlement fire 95 sign final contract 48 SpeedweII trip 44 ー 45 squabble over investors' terms 39 , 40 storehouse 93 success Of crops 121 Thanksgiving 122 the 23 family groups 11 ー 17 villa e site chosen 86 ー 87 WO cutting 89 Pilgrim Contract, The 41 ー 42 PIymouth 81 , 84 , 86 , 96 , 105 , 107 , 110 PIymouth Company 34 PIymouth H arbor 52 Priest, Digory 92 Provincetown 105 Prower, Solomon 90 Puritans 3 Brownists 3 doctrine 3 Separatists 3 Reformation, The 2 134 scurvy 61 Saquish P0int 84 , 85 Samoset 103 ー 108 assim , 110 St Peter's Church, Leyden 29 Roman C atholic Church 2 , 19 46 , 66 11 , 28 ー 30 盟 assi 襯 , 35 , 38 , 41 , 45 , Robinson, Reverend John 2 , 8 , Scrooby congregation 8 Smith, Captain J0hn 34 , 107 Southampton 45 Spain 31 , 33 , 43 Spanish lnquisition 30 , 41 SpeedweII 3 , 17 , 40 , 43 , 44 , 46 , 48 , 49 , 122 problems with 49 ー 53 Squanto 101 , 104 , 107 , 108 , 111 , 113 , 117 , 118 , 119 Squantum, Dorchester 120 Standish, Captain MyIes 6 ー 5 , 13 , 69 , 70 , 73 , 79 , 86 , 92 , 97 ー 99 盟 as m , 103 , 107 , 109 , 111 , 113 , 120 , 130 The Co リ s んゆ ofMyIes S 地市 s ん (Longfellow) 7 , 10 Standish, Rose 7 , 96 storehouse 93 Thirty Years' War 43 Thompson, Edward 77 TiIIey, Edward 15 , 79 TiIIey, John 15 , 79 Virginia 34 , 39 , 43 Company 34 , 38 Walloons 29 Wellfleet H arbor 79 Weston, Thomas 38 , 39 , 40 , 41 , 46 , 47 , 123 , 124 WinsIow, Edward 5 ー 6 , 12 , 34 , 68 ー 130 passim as G overnor 6 description 0f lndians 105 , 108 外 0 リ ' s 五 e 0 5 , 6 WinsIow, EIizabeth (born Barker) 6 , 12 Winslow, John 11 WinsIow, Susanna (born White) Winthrop , John 48 Yorkshire 3 , 4 , 7 , 8 , 26 6


夜記 , び催 we 襯佖ん e 佖 厄れ阨 0 G0d 20 佖襯加佖ん es. e 佖″ 4 CO de ん 03 sc 佖 we s ん 0 〃 be 0 工 c 観 , 佖れ d 2 ・ OS selves, & d 仇 , 04a 可 000a & Robert Cushman Pilgrim leader 17 August 1620 A P. I. C. CO-VENTURE British Library Cataloguing in PubIication Data King, Jonathan, 1942- The MayfIower miracle. the pilgrim's own story Of the founding Of America. 1. PiIg 「 ims (New Plymouth colony) l. Title 973.2 ′ 2 F68 ISBN O -7153-9013-9 First published by David & Charles 1987 ◎ Jonathan King 1987 AII rights reserved. NO part Of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, 0 「 t 「 ansmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, withoutthe prior pe 「 mission Of David & Charles PubIishers plc Printed in Hong Kong fO 「 David & Charles plc Brunel House Newton Abbot Devon